Emotions are powerful, physiological  responses that regulate our lives. They can change in an instant, filling every cell in our body with promise and joy, or a heaviness that sucks the air right out of our lungs. The most potent form of energy is thought because thought-waves are cosmic, penetrating all time and space. One of the greatest discoveries in the past decade of neurological research is 95-97% of all our behaviors are automatic. That means we are thinking and acting in autopilot. The experiences that pre-wired our brain determines our success in life and relationships.
Our feelings are not the same thing as our emotions. When we experience emotions like happiness, fear, sadness, anger, they can be felt in the body physically. In fact, others are able to witness our range of emotions from our body postures, how our breathing speeds up or slows down, vocal changes, the way our eyes reflect light, and the movements we make. Feelings on the other hand are our conscious perception of those changes happening within the body, an internal gauge for processing the world around us.
Our emotional brain is extremely complex, still not fully understood, and ever evolving. To better understand our emotions, we need to look at the brain, specifically the Limbic System. The Limbic System supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, olfaction, sensory processing, time perception, attention, consciousness, instincts, and actions. It operates by influencing the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system.

Within the Limbic System is the Amygdala, a small almond shaped group of neurons in the medial temporal lobes  the processes emotions and the memory of emotions. Did you know the only way to unlock our emotions and trauma stored in the amygdala is through our olfactory senses? This is the same mechanism that allows us to vividly remember a person, place, or experience by catching a whiff of a familiar scent. Aromatherapy is profoundly powerful in the same way. Another fun fact, the brain cannot differentiate bewteen a memory and what is happpening in real time! The same neural explosions occur, lighting up the same pathway in the brain. Another reason to be very mindful of the thoughts that fill your head.

The troublesome part about our emotional response is we can be triggered easily depending on our life experiences, AND emotions can control our behaviors without our awareness. We all have emotional patterns that make us feel safe. For me personally, I resonate with anger in times of need. The fire in my belly to take action and release adrenaline, is one of my survival mechanisms. This isn’t to say I like being angry. I prefer to be happy, hopeful, and inspiring, but when I have low moments in my life, or something triggers a deeply rooted response, anger is my go to safeguard. It’s how I protect myself and battle through situations, wrecklessly most often. Having the proper tools to reduce my automatic emotional response and support my emotions has been life changing for me as a person. Using the Emotional Aromatherapy oils, I’m able to support my emotions rather fall victim to them. I can take control of how I am feeling and supplement with how I want to feel. This shift in control is not only empowering, but it allows the brain to create new pathways, new neural connections for how to respond in the future, rewiring your brain for success.

The Emotional Aromatherapy System is comprised of 6 specific essential oil blends, crafted to elicit a specific emotional response. These blends are best used in a cold water diffuser or diluted with a carrier oil and applied over the heart, wrists, and bottoms of the feet.

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